In the latest Act video for Valorant, a new type of armor was teased, sparking speculation among the community. While some initially thought it could be related to a rework of Phoenix's healing ability, it has been confirmed that this is an entirely new armor option.

Details on the New Armor:
- The video clip showcased 25 armor with 50 reserves.
- It appears to be a regenerative armor that can fully recharge twice before being depleted completely.
- This new armor type is expected to be a secondary 1,000 credit option alongside the existing Heavy Shields.
- The trade-off is between having a higher total health pool to avoid being one-tapped by weapons like the Phantom or Outlaw, versus better resilience against spam and wallbang damage.
Potential Impact on Gameplay:
- Healing Agents: The regenerative nature of this armor could make healing agents like Sage, Skye, and the upcoming reworked Phoenix more valuable. Heals have often been less impactful outside of pistol rounds, but this armor may change that.
- Chip Damage and Retreating: With the ability to regenerate armor, players who take chip damage from angles or utility may be more inclined to retreat and wait for their shields to recover before re-engaging. This could potentially slow down the pace of some fights.
- Weapon Balance: Some players have speculated that this armor might indirectly buff the Vandal compared to the Phantom. The idea is that a 140 damage headshot from the Phantom would drop a player to 10 HP with the new armor, allowing them to heal back up to 60 total HP. The Vandal's one-tap potential could negate this. However, the exact damage interactions remain to be seen.
- Economic Decisions: Depending on the cost of this new armor, it could present interesting economic choices for players, especially on light buy rounds or when playing with healer agents.
Overall, the community seems intrigued by the possibilities this regenerative armor could bring to the game. While some have concerns about it slowing down the pace or adding unnecessary complexity, most are reserving judgment until more details are known.
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Riot has recently expressed a desire to slightly slow down the pace of professional Valorant matches compared to the current tempo. This armor change could potentially be a part of that initiative, encouraging more methodical engagements and positioning.

Patch 9.10 is shaping up to be an exciting update for Valorant, with the new armor type being just one of the major changes mentioned. The Phoenix rework, which moves his flashbangs to his signature ability slot, is another highly anticipated feature players are eager to test out. As more information becomes available, the Valorant community will undoubtedly theorycraft and experiment to uncover the optimal ways to utilize these new tools.