As a new player, one of the most frustrating experiences can be dealing with teammates who go AFK during matches. This issue seems particularly prevalent in lower ranks, leaving many players questioning why it happens so frequently and how it impacts the game.

The Problem:
A new player, currently ranked Iron 3, shares their experience of encountering AFK teammates in almost every game. This often results in frustrating 4v5 situations, leading to losses and a decrease in ELO. What's more perplexing is that these AFK incidents occur even when the team isn't losing, seemingly without reason.
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Possible Reasons for AFK Behavior:
- Poor time management: Some players queue for games without considering their real-life commitments, such as meal times or other responsibilities.
- Technical issues: Internet connection problems or game crashes can force players to disconnect temporarily or permanently.
- Emergencies: Unexpected situations, like urgent bathroom breaks, can cause players to leave their keyboards abruptly.
- Lack of commitment: Lower-ranked players may be less invested in the game, making them more likely to abandon matches.
- Frustration or toxicity: Some players may go AFK if they become frustrated with their team's performance or encounter toxic behavior.
Impact on the Game:
AFK players significantly affect the game's balance, often leading to:
- Unfair 4v5 situations
- Decreased team morale
- Loss of ranking points for the affected team
- Overall negative gaming experience
Community Perspectives:
Many players express their frustration with AFK teammates, while others share their own experiences of having to go AFK due to various reasons. Some higher-ranked players note that the issue is less common in higher tiers of play, suggesting that more dedicated players tend to climb the ranks.
Potential Solutions:
- Stricter penalties for AFK behavior
- Improved matchmaking to group players with similar commitment levels
- Better game stability to reduce technical issues
- Educating players on the importance of time management and commitment in competitive play

While AFK players remain a significant issue in competitive gaming, especially at lower ranks, it's essential for players to focus on their own improvement and enjoyment of the game.