Every competitive game has its meta - the strategies and tactics that are widely considered to be the most effective. But sometimes, thinking outside the box can lead to surprising success. Today, we're exploring some favorite off-meta strategies that players swear by. You might just pick up a new trick or two!

Positivity as a Weapon
Encouraging teammates who aren't performing well instead of criticizing them. It may sound simple, but maintaining a positive team environment can work wonders. As they put it, "The enemies don't know how to counter it!"
The Stinger Death Ball
If you lose the pistol round, consider having one player fully invest in a Stinger submachine gun. Then, the whole team follows as a tight unit through one side of the map, looking for picks and weapon upgrades. This strategy can be particularly effective on certain maps, like Icebox, where pushing specific areas can lead to easy kills.
Classic + Shorty Combo
Controller mains often find success with an unconventional pistol round loadout: the classic pistol paired with a shorty shotgun. This combination is especially potent against lightly armored opponents and can be devastating in close quarters.
No Duelist Composition
While it goes against conventional wisdom, some players advocate for team compositions without any duelists. Instead, they suggest running two initiators, two sentinels, and a controller. The idea is that sentinels can lock down the map on defense, while initiators and controllers can effectively enter sites with their utility. This strategy requires good coordination but can catch opponents off-guard.
Shorty Surprises
Controllers have found success buying a shorty shotgun on the first defensive round. It can lead to unexpected kills at first contact and make enemies hesitate to push through smokes. Just remember to drop the shorty before the round starts so you can switch between it and your classic pistol as needed.
The Power of Five
Some players swear by the chaotic energy of running five duelists or other unconventional "4+1" compositions (like four duelists and one controller). While risky, these strategies can work surprisingly well, especially in lower ranks where team coordination is less developed.
Frenzy on Defense
Don't underestimate the power of the Frenzy pistol on defense. Its high fire rate can catch attackers off-guard in close quarters.
Bucky in Smokes
To keep enemy duelists on their toes, try hiding in your own smoke with a Bucky shotgun every few rounds. It's a high-risk, high-reward play that can seriously tilt opponents if successful.
Agent Mastery
Sometimes, the best off-meta strategy is simply mastering an underutilized agent. One player shared their success with Deadlock, maintaining a 61% win rate despite not considering themselves a top-tier player. Finding an agent that clicks with your playstyle can lead to unexpected success. Need help from a pro? Check out our Duo Carry services.

Remember, while these strategies can be effective, they often rely on the element of surprise. Use them sparingly and adapt to your opponents' reactions. The most important thing is to have fun and keep your enemies guessing!