Why You Can’t Improve Even If You Practice a Lot

May 5, 2024

As a passionate gamer, there's nothing more disheartening than feeling like you're not making progress despite putting in countless hours of practice. This is a common struggle for many players, especially those in the lower ranks of competitive games like Valorant. In this blog post, we'll explore the challenges of improvement and discuss strategies to help you stay motivated and see results.

The Plateau:

I'm going to share my experience of being placed in Iron 3, the lowest rank in Valorant. After practicing for 10 days straight in various game modes, I managed to climb from Iron 2 to Iron 3, nearly reaching the next rank. However, my progress was quickly halted by a series of four consecutive losses, leaving me frustrated and questioning whether my practice was a waste of time.

The Harsh Reality of Competitive Gaming:

It's important to understand that improvement in competitive games is not a linear process. It takes time, dedication, and patience to see significant results. Expecting to drastically improve in just 10 days is unrealistic, regardless of how much you practice. Depending on your natural talent and learning curve, it can take months or even longer to see noticeable progress. But there are faster ways to rank up. For example, cheap Duo Carry services. Look these up and enjoy your stress-free comp games.

Dealing with Losses and Teammate Issues:

Losing streaks are an inevitable part of the competitive gaming experience. It's easy to become frustrated and blame your teammates for their lack of skill or game knowledge. However, focusing on factors beyond your control will only hinder your own growth. Instead, try to maintain a positive mindset and concentrate on improving your own gameplay.

Strategies for Improvement:

  1. Analyze Your Gameplay: Record your matches and review them to identify areas where you can improve. Look for mistakes in positioning, decision-making, and aim.
  2. Seek Coaching and Feedback: Share your gameplay footage with experienced players or coaches who can provide constructive feedback and guidance.
  3. Focus on Fundamentals: Work on improving your aim, crosshair placement, and movement mechanics through dedicated practice in aim training maps and deathmatch.
  4. Learn Agent Abilities: Familiarize yourself with the abilities of each agent in the game. Understanding how they work will help you make better decisions and counter enemy strategies.
  5. Play with a Growth Mindset: Approach each match with the goal of learning and improving rather than solely focusing on winning. This mindset shift can help alleviate frustration and keep you motivated.

Hardware Limitations:

While having a high-end gaming setup can provide an advantage, it's not the sole determining factor in your success. Many players have reached high ranks with modest hardware, proving that skill and game sense are more important than frames per second. However, if you're consistently experiencing low fps, it may be worth considering upgrades to ensure a smoother gaming experience.

In final words:

Improving in competitive games like Valorant is a gradual process that requires patience, dedication, and a growth mindset. Don't let short-term setbacks discourage you from continuing your journey. Focus on analyzing your gameplay, seeking feedback, and practicing consistently. Remember, the path to improvement is not always linear, but with perseverance and a love for the game, you'll eventually see the results you desire.

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